Attract More Buyers and Sellers
You can attract a steady stream of new prospects using a unique toll-free number included with your Freedom800® call capture line. By utilizing advanced call capture technology, you will be able to capture more prospects phone numbers even if the caller doesn't leave their information or has a blocked number. You even have the option of having us do a reverse lookup on the captured phone number to get the name and address of the caller. All of this valuable information can easily be viewed in real-time, online at your convenience.Sign Riders
Example sign rider promoting the toll-free number with the extension of the property Give potential buyers the ability to get FREE recorded information about any of your listings, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Prospects driving around on 2nd or 3rd shift have access to information about the different homes you have on the market. This means you're making it convenient for your prospects to get the information they need on their own time. Since most buyers have full time jobs, it's important to provide the information they need after normal working hours.As callers dial your toll-free number to listen to a particular listing, you've captured their number. Now you have 'hot' list of prospects that you can easily follow-up with, assuring that you never miss an opportunity.